- Certified Clients
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- Certified Clients
- Certified Clients
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- Certified Clients
Training Process
The CPG Training process details (at a high level) the steps by step approach allowing individuals and or organisations who are interested in gaining the necessary skills within the Auditing industry and or selected ISO Standard.
CPG offers three types of Training services to our client base:
- Public Available Courses
- Client Internal Training
- Auditor / Lead Auditor
- Auditor Mentoring
CPG has been delivering training services within the auditing and certification industry for over 30 years.
CPG simple and effective methodology to manage the training needs of individuals and or organisations in an easy to follow step by step approach has been well received by our client base. The high level Training process is outlined below:
The high level Auditing process is outlined below:
- The Training service delivery process begins with the completion of the Training enquiry form.
- The Training enquiry form can be initiated by contacting one of our sales team or via the online portal.
- A Training enquiry form is completed and submitted by a client and or a CPG team member (in conjunction with the client representative).
- The enquiry form is received by our team and is used to initiate the remainder of the Training service delivery process.
- The individual is notified of their registration status, and waiting to verify their needs.
- Public available course are courses listed within the website and are available for individuals to register
- A Training proposal is ONLY created by our sales team as part of client – Internal Training needs.
- CPG provides the option for selected clients to register for a Client internal training program, where our trainers deliver one or more of our publically available course within a client environment, for their staff and selected supply chain representatives.
- The information contained within the Training enquiry form in conjunction with additional information gathered by our sales team allows out team to identify the best option for the organisation training needs.
The training proposal document consist of but not limited to:
- Training Framework
- Scope
- Costings
- Selection of suitable trainers
- Course delivered
- Expectations of client training facilities
- Training & skills transfer
- Assessments methodologies
- Ongoing support
The proposal document forms the foundation of the training delivery for the given client.
- CPG training team works with the individuals who have completed the training enquiry form to clarify the individual training needs and match their needs to the list of publically available courses.
- Course selection management provides a significant benefit to the registered individuals.
- CPG has a number of locations across the globe where our courses are delivered, which makes it easier for individuals across the globe to select the location for their desired course.
- We encourage and support individuals to consider attending a course in a different country to their current residential status which allows for additional experience and exposure to international networking opportunities.
- Our sales team works with the registered individuals to review the best option when selecting the location for the given course.
Discounted accommodation rates are available to registered individuals and they are reminded to inform the hotel when making relevant bookings to attend our courses.
Our global training manager or geographic training manager(s) sends out the Pre-Course pack which consist of but not limited to:
- course pre-requisites
- what is expected by the attendees prior during and after attending one of our courses
- global registration of course achievement
- daily start and end times
- accommodation options
- parking and or public transport
- dress code
- catered food and beverage options
- Our trainer(s) generally arrive at the training location at least 45 minutes prior to the course start time to facilitate networking opportunities and for any one on one time. It is a recommended that all attendees arrive at the course location at least 30 minutes prior to the course start time to take part in the potential networking opportunities and to gain some one on one time with the trainer.
- Each attendee are required to register their attendance each day upon entering the room where the course is been conducted.
Attending the entire course is a requirement to:
- obtain the skills needed during the course
- take part in group workshops
- be available for interaction
- complete all assessments
- take part in networking during breaks
All courses are catered for food and beverages, and our training sales team will clarify any dietary requirements during the registration process.
- All our training course have a number of assessments to allow the attendee the opportunity to demonstrate the skills obtained during the course.
- Attendees are required to pass each assessment prior to receiving their global course recognition provided by EXEMPLAR GLOBAL.
- CPG provides a post course mentoring program for individuals who register during the course.
- The post course program allows attendees to take part in activities designed to increase their skills, experience, and exposure within the Auditing and Certification industry.

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