- Certified Clients
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- Certified Clients
- Certified Clients
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- Certified Clients
Certification Partner Global (CPG) Overview:
CPG is a full-scope Certification Body Accredited by JAS-ANZ (Joint Accreditation System – Australia New Zealand), SAC (Singapore Accreditation Council), EIAC (Emirates International Accreditation Centre, SANAS (South African National System), and Highfield Certified.
We are also an Exemplar Global Accredited Training Organisation delivering many Auditor Training Courses and Implementer Training Courses.
CPG certifies small through to large organisations, businesses, hospitals and government departments to both National and International standards, across a wide array of management systems certifications.
CPG technical expertise and customer focus coupled with innovative creation of new management programs and a proven track-record in management ensures that CPG continues to deliver significant contributions to the world of Standards and Accreditation.
CPG Accredited Programs
ISO 9001 - Quality Management Systems
ISO 14001 - Environmental Management Systems
ISO 45001 - Occupational Health and Safety Systems
ISO 20001 - Information Technology
ISO 27001 - Information Security Management Systems
ISO 27701 – Privacy Information Management System
ISO 27071 – Cloud Security
ISO 42001 - Artificial intelligence — Management system
ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management Systems
ISO 22001 - Food Safety Management Systems
Human Services
NDIS - National Disability Insurance SchemeNSDS - National Standards for Disability Services
NSDS -National Disab
NSQHS - National Standards for Quality in Health Services
NSQHS - National Clinical Trials Governance Framework
NSQHS - National Safety and Quality Cosmetic Surgery Standards
RTAC - Reproductive Technology Accreditation Committee
CPG Vision
To be the recognised as the globally preferred certification/registration body insuring businesses in obtaining greater appreciation for ISO certification via well structured training & education programs and ethical and value added auditing model
CPG Values
CPG operates in a fair, honest, open, transparent manner taking responsibility and accountability for our commitments. As a cohesive team, we pride ourselves on building long lasting partnerships with our clients with a focus on:1.Customer Satisfaction
2. Integrity and Highest Ethical Standards
3. Continual Improvement
4. Performance through Recognition
5. Commitment
6. Empathy
7. Reliability
CPG Quality Policy
Provide non discriminatory certification services in conformity to national and international accreditation criteria in accordance with the requirements of the Accreditation Bodies and CPG company policies.
Provide certification services to the business and value adding benefit of our clients and which contribute to the overall integrity and value of the certification process to government, commerce and industry.
Continually maintain the highest standards of professionalism and business integrity.
Policy Handling of Gifts
Provide non discriminatory certification services in conformity to national and international accreditation criteria in accordance with the requirements of the Accreditation Bodies and CPG company policies.
Provide certification services to the business and value adding benefit of our clients and which contribute to the overall integrity and value of the certification process to government, commerce and industry.
Continually maintain the highest standards of professionalism and business integrity.
Confidentiality and Impartiality
At CPG, we understand the importance of independence and impartiality in our certification activities and take all necessary steps to manage and/or eliminate potential or real conflicts of interest which may prejudice or compromise our impartiality. Accreditation bodies, such as JAS-ANZ, audit CPG to verify compliance with national and international requirements. Certification Partner Global will maintain complete confidentiality regarding all information with which it becomes acquainted as a result of contact with the company. Certification Partner Global recognizes the importance of impartiality in certification decisions and will take all necessary steps to ensure this is maintained throughout the certification process.
Anti Criminality Policy
CPG will not accept, request, solicit or demand payments (also called bribes, kickbacks, backsheesh, facilitation payments, etc.) or gifts for the purpose of influencing the certification process. CPG will not enter into collusive agreements with other parties for the purposes of influencing the certification process. CPG will not enter into collusive agreements with other parties for the purposes of influencing the certification market.
CPG will not accept, request, solicit or demand payments (also called bribes, kickbacks, backsheesh, facilitation payments, etc.) or gifts for the purpose of influencing the certification process. CPG will not enter into collusive agreements with other parties for the purposes of influencing the certification process. CPG will not enter into collusive agreements with other parties for the purposes of influencing the certification market.

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