- Certified Clients
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- Certified Clients
- Certified Clients
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- Certified Clients
Gap Analysis Services
A successfully performed GAP analysis identifies the actual gap between where an organisation is and where an organisation wants to be, and the actually gap that needs to be overcome to achieve the desires state.
Developing a strategy and associated action plans to close the gap in a commercially viable solution is one of the most challenging activates during the entire GAP analysis.
The concept of GAP analysis can be used in many application, our team have been delivering GAP analysis services to our client base for over 30 years.
The step by step process and proven track record of how CPG performs GAP analysis services serviced ensures that our clients are able to clearly understand the identified GAP and what is need to close the gap regardless of focus GAP being Training, Auditing and or Certification needs.
CPG GAP Analysis services consist of the following:
Onsite Client / Supply Chain Training Courses
- CPG Training Gap Analysis service is designed so that our team reviews the organisation to understand the current staff training and skills matrix.
- Our team works with the client management team to identify develop or update the staff training and skills matrix, work out what is best practice within the industry and develop an organisation wide training.
- CPG will review, identify the Gap, develop and deliver the necessary auditing and Certification training and mentoring needs in up-skilling the identified internal staff.
Auditing Gap Analysis
- CPG Auditing Gap Analysis service offering is very unique among our competitors.
- Our specifically developed program focuses on understanding and identifying the Gap between what internal auditing practices performed by staff within the organisation and what is industry best practice and industry expectation.
- Our Auditing Gap Analysis service will review, identify the Gap, develop and deliver the necessary action list to close the GAP, and where needed take part in reviewing the third party consultants to ensure that they have the capabilities to close the Gap.
Certification Gap Analysis
- CPG Certification Gap Analysis service offering is simple however highly effective. Our team review all internal business practices in line with the identified Global standard(s) and develop a Gap analysis report highlighting all the areas of concern in our client being certification ready.
- Our clients have over the years used the Certification Gap Analysis report as a certification framework and road map to either address each and every identified items via internal resources and or engage with suitably capable third party certification consultants for assistance.

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