- Certified Clients
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- Certified Clients
- Certified Clients
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- Certified Clients
Gap Analysis Process
The CPG GAP Analysis process details (at a high level) the steps by step approach taken by our team as part of delivering a GAP Analysis services to our client base.
CPG offers three differencing GAP Analysis services to our client base:
- General
- Training
- Auditing
- Certification
The GAP Analysis services has been delivered by our well experienced and skilled team at CPG for more than 30 years.
CPG simple and effective methodology to manage the GAP Analysis process in an easy to follow step by step approach has been well received by our client base.
The high level GAP Analysis process is outlined below:
GAP Analysis Enquiry
GAP Analysis Proposal
Assign Team Members
Current State
Desired State
Close The GAP
Monitor & Repeat
GAP Analysis – Enquiry (Application form)
- The Training service delivery process begins with the completion of the Training enquiry form.
- The CPS Gap Analysis process begins with the completion of the GAP Analysis application form.
- The GAP Analysis Application form can be initiated by contacting one of our sales team or via the online portal.
- A GAP analysis application form is completed and submitted by a client and or a CPG team member (in conjunction with the client representative).
- The application form is received and is used to initiate the remainder of the GAP Analysis Process.
GAP Analysis – Proposal (Estimate / Quote Response)
- The information contained within the GAP Analysis application form (GAP Analysis – Initial enquiry) in conjunction with additional information gathered by our sales team establishes the basis of the GAP Analysis Proposal.
The Gap Analysis proposal is a detailed document consisting of but not limited to:
- Gap Analysis Framework
- Scope
- Expected deliverables
- Costings
- Timelines and milestones
- Team members
- Reporting
- Management of change
- Training & skills transfer
The GAP Analysis proposal document establishes the foundation of the project engagement between CPG and the client on who, what, how, why and when the project activities are being conducted to deliver the GAP Analysis desired service.
GAP Analysis – Assign Team Members
- CPG senior management take pride in team selection to ensure that the team members assigned within the GAP Analysis proposal are best suited for the given engagement.
- Team members are assigned to the GAP Analysis engagement based on skills, experience, qualifications, past performances and their pre-assigned ANZSIC codes.
ANZSIC codes refers to “Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification”.
ANZSIC codes are applied to each of our team members which clearly identify which industries the team members has the experience working in and or capability to conduct GAP Analysis activities in.
Gap Analysis – Determining Current State
- The GAP Analysis – determining the current state is the first step in a four step process that is specifically focused on the client and the clients work environment(s).
- Our selected team works with the client team (within the scope outlined in the proposal) to identify the current state of the clients working environment.
- CPG team members take part in the GAP Analysis review the client’s current business process, methodologies, performance, service delivery, production and or general output.
- Our team has a well-defined process that provide an accurate determination of the GAP Analysis Current State
- The GAP Analysis – Current State is documented and reported on as part of this step.
GAP Analysis – Determining Desired State
- The GAP Analysis – determining the desired state is the second step in a four step process that is specifically focused on the client and the clients work environment(s).
- Our selected team works with the client team (within the scope outlined in the proposal) researched the open market, reviews available best practices to collectively identify and document the client’s desired state
- Our team has a many years experience and a well-defined process to identify realistic goals that is commercially viable to implement as part of the GAP Analysis desired state
- The GAP Analysis desired state is documented and reported on as part of this step
GAP Analysis – Determining the GAP (Verification)
- The GAP Analysis – determining the GAP is the third step in a four step process that is specifically focused on the client and the clients work environment(s).
- During this process, an opportunity exists for our team to work with the client to make relevant updates to the identified current and desired state as part of the verification process.
- CPG team reviews the GAP Analysis Current state and the GAP Analysis desired state reports, and based on updated current and desired state reports, in consultation with the client, our team itemise each identified gap between the current and the desired state.
- Once the identified GAP is documented, the particulars of the Gap Analysis determining the GAP report is verification to ensure that the strategy and action plans needed to be developed and implemented to close the gap are realistic, achievable and commercially viable.
GAP Analysis – Closing the GAP
- The GAP Analysis – Closing the GAP is the fourth step in a four step process that is specifically focused on the client and the clients work environment(s).
- Before embarking on closing the GAP, it is highly recommended to review of the first three steps (GAP Analysis – determining the current state, the desired state, and determining the GAP) to ensure that all finding are still current, accurate and valid.
- The GAP Analysis – Determining the GAP report to ensure that the Closing the gap is the last step within the process (as listed) and where all the past effort by the CPG team and Client team is realised as part of the implementation of the strategy, plans and action items.
- GAP Analysis Closing the GAP requires a detailed project management plan (PMP) documenting the identified strategy, plans and action items.
CPG is a certification body and as a result of clause 5.2.5 within the ISO 17021 standard, our team members do not provide or are affiliated with any consulting activities.
The work completed within the GAP Analysis is based on identification of the current and desired state and items needed to close the gap.
How the identified items needed to close the GAP are delivered are not the focus of CPG specifically in reference to GAP Analysis for Certification services
GAP Analysis – Monitor & Review
- The GAP Analysis – Mentor, is where our team work with the client to develop the GAP Analysis monitoring, assessing and continual improvement framework.
- We work with our clients to review, assess and report on the outcome(s) of the entire GAP analysis process.
- The outcome of the Gap Analysis highlights the realised business benefits and any new identified GAP’s given industry, legal and or regulatory changes and or change of business direction since the process started.
- This step of the process highlights the actual business benefits and provides the base for the organisation to work on continual improvement by repeating parts or all of the steps identified within the GAP Analysis process.
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